March 28, 2013
Re: Lav & Water and Connection Leads Positions being Eliminated
On Wednesday March 27, the Union and the company met in front of Arbitrator Teplitsky in Calgary. Further discussions in front of the Arbitrator will be necessary to resolve this issue.
With the shift bid starting on Monday, the LSA positions in question will be marked with an asterisk, meaning that there is a potential that before the end of the summer shift bid, these positions may be eliminated. If the positions are eliminated, the LSA’s who bid these positions will revert to relief but will keep their cycle and time.
The Union vehemently argued that the company at least wait until the next bid to give us time to complete a full arbitration, but the company is unwilling to wait, even though there is no cost to the company.
Rest assured the Union plans to fervently fight this elimination of our member’s jobs.
GC Boyd Richardson
The Shop Committee