Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Management has expressed concerns over a number of instances in which Control Manual procedures have not been adhered to (i.e. missing Critical System signatures etc … ). The Company intends to address this issue through various means such as job aids, crew meetings and when warranted possible disciplinary action against offending parties.
In order to prevent possible disciplinary action your Shop Committee urges all members to adhere to Air Canada policies and Canadian Air Regulations at all times. Furthermore your Shop Committee strongly suggests that Union representation be present during any meetings/investigations conducted by the Maintenance Quality department. The results of these investigations have been used to support disciplinary action against our membership.
As per the Air Canada Control Manual and CARs 571.02, the person performing the work is solely responsible for ensuring the work is accomplished to the standard defined in the instructions for continued airworthiness (i.e. job cards, AMM).
The YYZ Technical Operations Shop Committee encourages all members to maintain adherence to Air Canada SOPs, Control Manual protocols, Canadian Air Regulations and to conduct themselves accordingly.
In Solidarity,
YYZ Technical Operations, Logistics & Supply Shop Committee
Joe Dermo
Clint Tucker