Tech Ops Bulletin -Round One Layoff Update

Brothers and Sisters

Your District and Regional Union representatives met with the Company on May 17 and 18.

The purpose of our attendance was to ensure the provisions of Article 16 were followed and to track and resolve potential errors prior to the Company distributing Lay Off notices.

The Company had other plans,

They were not properly prepared to supply the Union with the layoff/bump spreadsheets for review.
The documents they did provide were hastily prepared and erred.
They were not interested in resolving issues that were identified by the Shop Committees.
They were unable to provide confirmation of the rescinded surplus layoffs prior to commencing the proceedings. When they did provide this information on day two, it did not reflect what was agreed to a week earlier with the assistance of Mediator Mr. Bruce Light.
They attempted to assert the right to displace out of sequence and restrict the seniority rights violating Article 16 and MOA #1.
They were very prepared to forge ahead and distribute the layoff notices without our review.

Due to these stated and other reasons, we have determined that Air Canada is not interested in resolving issues and is only prepared to RAM this MOAB up our Collective A**’s.

We conclude that the Company and its delegated representatives handling this situation have no desire in ensuring that people’s lives are not unduly disrupted.

In good conscience, your Shop Committee was not able to further participate in the Company’s flawed reasoning and fallacious arguments and left the meeting prior to its conclusion.

The Company intends to distribute Layoff notices on May 20th.

Please contact Clint or myself if you have any questions or concerns.

In solidarity,

YYZ Technical Operations, Logistics & Supply Shop Committee

Joe Dermo
Clint Tucker


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