Tech Ops Bulletin -Shift Update

Re: 2010 line maintenance shift discussions September 10, 2010

Dear Brother and Sisters,

We have confirmed the following on the issue of the Ministerial Permit and the membership vote;

• Part III, Division I of the Canada Labour Code (the “Code”) applies to Air Canada.

• There is no requirement for a “ministerial permit” to exceed the maximum weekly hours providing that the schedule is agreed to by the union and its membership.

• Local lodge bylaws read that when member votes are conducted to introduce compressed work week type shifts (4/3, 4/4) a majority of 60% will be required for member approval.

• It does not appear that the proposed shift schedule violates the hours of work provisions of the Code. It is important to recognize that the “Code” leaves the issue of hours of work and work schedules largely to the parties (employer and union) to negotiate.

• Air Canada, cannot unilaterally impose a work schedule that exceeds 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. For this reason Air Canada must negotiate the work schedules with the IAM and must continue to do so if it seeks to introduce or change any schedule that exceeds 8 hour per day and 40 hour per week.

As a result of our last meeting with the Company we can confirm agreement to the two start times
(20:00-07:10 & 22:30-09:40) for the night shift ramp operation.

Shifts with paid statutory holidays have increased from 48 to 56.

We have received positive feedback on removing the licence requirements and the discontinuation of the current (1980) local transfer agreement.

We will meet again with the Company the week of the 13th.

As events unfold we will update you through the union bulletin boards and the local lodge website,

For further information please come see Clint or myself in the office.

In Solidarity,

YYZ Technical Operations, Logistics & Supply Shop Committee,

Joe Dermo        Clint Tucker

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