Brothers and Sisters,
Re: Removal of Personal Effects from the Company Premises
Lately, many members have inquired about taking home tools and stowage cabinets. You are well within your rights to remove any of your personal effects whenever you wish. When removing your personal effects from the company premises you may be subject to the Employee Search and Interview Policy. We strongly suggest that you have a TL or OM verify the contents being removed as “Non Air Canada items”
What do I need to keep at work? We have the Minimum Tools Lists as per Pub 831 for all Categories listed in Article 4 of the Collective Agreement. We will also remind you of Air Canada’s Loss or Damage to Employee Personal Clothing and Effects Policy. Air Canada will not assume liability for loss or damage however caused to personal clothing and effects, or other items stored by employees in their lockers, or on any other company premises, whether the loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the company, its employees or agents.
The Policies mentioned can be found on the acaeronet. Publication 831 may be reviewed in our office.
In Solidarity,
YYZ Technical Operations, Logistics and Supply Shop Committee
Joe D’Ermo
Clinton Tucker