
Transition MOA -Air Canada/AVEOS

The Union applied for a cease and desist order with respect to the running of the 60-day period provided in the Transition MOA to advise its members of their options. In reality, what the Union seeks is a protocol to ensure that its members receive all necessary information in a timely way.

The parties have had many transition meetings. Much has been resolved. However, some matters have not been settled.

In my opinion, the first step is for each party to prepare an agenda listing the items in order of priority from their perspective. The parties shall exchange these agendas by Wednesday, February 9, 2011 by close of business.

I have scheduled a further hearing on February 11, 2011 at 12 noon at the airport to review the agendas and to provide further directions.

It is imperative that all parties work cooperatively to ensure compliance with the MOA and to ensure complete information for all employees.

DATED the 4th day of February, 2011


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