To All Members of Air Canada


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

By now you are all aware that the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) has issued their decisions regarding the Air Canada and Aveos’ application to split the Collective Bargaining certification and the IAMAW’s Section 35 Common Employer application.

These documents have been posted on the Transportation District 140 website and most of the other Local Lodge websites as well.

Unfortunately the decisions of the CIRB are that the Bargaining Units will be split and that the Union’s common employer application has been rejected.

As a result, the timeline for the administrative process for the Transition of Air Canada employees to Aveos has begun.

The timeline started with what is defined as the CIRB date, which is the effective date of the board’s order. As per the Memorandum of Agreement this means that the Selection Closure date, which is seventy-four (74) days after the CIRB date, will be April 15, 2011. The Implementation date is the date in which an Air Canada employee who accepts a position with Aveos will become an Aveos employee. This date is July 14, 2011.

We have set up a meeting in Toronto for the 16th of February to assess the decisions and plan our next actions. Attending the meeting will be GVP Ritchie, our legal advisors from Cavalluzzo Hayes Shilton McIntyre and Cornish, the Air Canada Local Lodge Presidents, Shop Committee representatives and the Collective Bargaining committees.

If you have questions regarding the process please pass them on through you Local Lodge and we will make sure you get your answers.

We understand that this is a very critical time in the lives and careers of many of our members and you can rest assured that we will be reviewing the process with the goal of making sure that each and every member is protected to the full extent of the collective agreement and the law.

The IAMAW would like to thank you for your continued support in these very difficult times.

In solidarity,

Chuck Atkinson
President & Directing General Chairperson




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