Letter to Rovinescu – Re: Former AVEOS Business RFP

July 16, 2012

Via Fax
514 422 4945

Mr. Calin Rovinescu
President and CEO
Air Canada
P. O. Box 14,000 – Station Airport
Dorval, QC H4Y 1H4

Dear Mr. Rovinescu:


The IAMAW has been meeting with prospective bidders that have shown interest in purchasing portions of the former Aveos business, specifically the Engine and Components businesses.

After considerable discussion with MTU Canada regarding the engine business and AJ Walter Aviation concerning the components business it is our opinion that both would be a good fit for the business and for Canada.

Both companies have expressed interest in employing a number of former Aveos employees. lt would certainly be a positive step towards keeping the aircraft maintenance industry alive in this country.

We have also been in discussion with both of the Provincial governments of Quebec and British Columbia and there is considerable interest in maintaining these highly skilled jobs in their provinces.

The IAMAW strongly supports the bids of both MTU Canada and AJ Walter Aviation for the contracts relating to the engine and components businesses.

Please feel free to contact me if there are any further questions.


Chuck Atkinson
President & Directing General Chairperson

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