Airports & Cargo & Cabin Service -Re: GHO 2014 -District 140 Bulletin

IAMAW Members at Toronto
Airports & Cargo & Cabin Service

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Transportation District 140 and Air Canada have been in discussions involving the application of the GHO and the 2014 Vacation allotment. Air Canada did issue vacation selections and allotments to our Local Lodge Shop Committees that resulted in a reduction to the past availability.

The parties met and have reached a Tentative Agreement on this issue that will see the previous offer of vacation allotments across the system revised and a system wide application of the GHO.

To give more people a better vacation selection, vacation and GHO will be bid all up, that is, the allotment for vacation plus twenty percent (20%) of the allotment for GHO will be bid flat lined, spread equally throughout the year. The remaining GHO will be spread throughout the year. Once the vacation bid has taken place, the remaining vacancies will be bid for GHO.

You will also be able to bid week fifty-three (53), depending on where your cycle falls within this period, a week you were not allowed to bid last year. You will also be able to bid, when on a 4X2 cycle, a vacation slot that begins when your first day in is on a Friday. This also was not permissible last year.

We appreciate your continued support and will continue to keep you informed!

In Solidarity,

Boyd Richardson
General Chairperson
Central Region
(November 21, 2013)

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