IP (International President) Letter to Districts and Local Lodges re: Canadian Dispensation -IAMAW Grand Lodge

February 24, 2022

Subj: Dispensation – Eligibility Requirements

To All Canadian Lodges;

As you may recall, in October of last year, I granted dispensation to all district and local
lodges that waived meeting attendance requirements for elections held in 2021, The dispensation
was granted due to a lack of consistency with meeting availability and the timing of when it
became an issue with regards to nominations. I have remained in continuous conversation with
General Vice President Dave Chartrand and we are dedicated to staying on top of the situation
so that we may best serve the Canadian membership.

The biggest issues that arose last year were requirements for vaccine passports and
government restrictions on the number of members permitted to attend gatherings. Some of the
locations where meetings were being held would not allow anyone in who did not have a passport,
and limited the number of people permitted in the meeting room. These restrictions are beginning
to ease. The changing rules will change the terms of the dispensation for this year, 2022.

Therefore, by authority granted to this office in the IAM Constitution, dispensation is
hereby granted to IAM district and locals under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Territory to waive
any meeting requirements SOLELY where there is a requirement of proof of vaccination or where
there are attendance restrictions. Any lodge that is holding a meeting where a member can attend
with no restrictions will have all applicable meeting requirements in effect for eligibility.
Dispensation for meeting attendance will be waived solely for lodges where there is a restriction
on a member entering the meeting location. This dispensation will be effective immediately
through the close of business December 31, 2022.

It is our sincere hope that this dispensation will ease the concerns our members have
with the changing guidelines to combat COVID-19. We will continue to monitor the rules in place
and the impact they are having on our lodges and members. Please notify the membership of the
dispensation that is granted in this letter.

With best wishes, I am

Fraternally yours,

Robert Martinez, Jr.
International President

cc: GVP Chartrand
COS Falconer

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