Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) representatives are
continuing to work collaboratively with other Union groups through the Toronto Airport Workers’
Council (TAWC) and the Toronto Pearson Worker Health and Safety Forum (TPWHSF), together with
the GTAA and Peel Regional Health Authority to ensure an efficient and effective vaccination rollout
for airport workers who choose to be vaccinated within our airport community.
The IAMAW took part in a recent call with Peel Regional Health, the GTAA and other airport
stakeholders including employers and Union representatives. Peel Health presented the current state
of the vaccination rollout within the region. Peel Health provided information regarding the region’s
plan to continue following the province’s recommendations to vaccinate high risk populations with an
age-based approach, as well as a targeting population within specific “hot spot” postal codes.
As the province and municipalities continue to follow the current rollout plans, some of our
membership may now be eligible for COVID-19 vaccines due to their age, medical condition or if they
live in an area that has been designated as a “hot spot.” We encourage our members, that are
eligible within their community, to take advantage and book an appointment to be immunized, if they
choose to do so.
Airport workers continue to fall under Phase Two of the vaccination rollout plan which is currently
scheduled to take place late May to June 2021. Once we enter into the provincial framework that
allows for airport workers to be eligible, it is expected that the International Centre would be used as
the mass vaccination site as it is within a few km of the airport.
We encourage our membership to reach out to their elected Member of Provincial Parliament to
express upon them the importance of our industry and to ensure airport workers are viewed as a high
priority for frontline worker vaccinations. If you need assistance when speaking to your elected
officials, please reach out to your Union.
As we continue to receive updates, we will share the information with the membership as it become
In solidarity,
Dan Janssen
General Chairperson
Central Region