Sept 30 2013 @ 17:20
Today your Union met with Arbitrator Teplitsky specifically regarding the removal of our Connection and Lav & Water Leads throughout the system.
We believe his award will allow the company to remove the positions, except for 3(three) Lead Connection positions which will remain for this bid only.
We also believe that Arbitrator Teplitsky will allow us to review and monitor the automated system the company plans to implement for a period of 5 days, one month after the bid flip scheduled for Nov 12 2013, to determine if the system is in fact truly automated.
After the Union completes the monitoring of the system, we will have the opportunity to see if this is clearly technological change or if management is in fact performing scope work.
We will post the Arbitrators award as soon as we receive it.
The Union would like to thank the membership for its support and know we can count on your continued support moving forward.
General Chairperson Boyd Richardson
Your Shop Committee