
Ramp & Baggage Shift Bid -Airport & Cargo Shop Committee Bulletin

August 23, 2012

Ramp & Baggage Shift Bid

The Shop Committee met with manpower to discuss the upcoming shift bid. The tentative dates are as follows, the shift bid will begin on Oct 15 and the bid will flip on November 15th.

As per the new Collective Agreement, the Work Schedule Review Committee, which will consist of 4 members, will have 3 days to meet with the company to review the bid and try to improve the shifts. “If the WSRC fails to complete the work schedule review process within the deadlines set out above, then the company will implement its work schedule.” This is the language as per the new Collective Agreement.

The new Collective Agreement also speaks to the levels of compressed shifts in the bid. Presently, compressed shifts compromise 18% of the shifts. As per the new Collective Agreement, this bid will have a maximum of 24% compression and will increase over the next 2 years until 30% of the shifts are compressed.

As this will be the first shift bid utilizing the new rules in the Collective Agreement, we hope the process itself will not be any different other than the time restraints now in place.

If you are off sick during this time period, please see the Local Lodge website, www.iamaw2323.ca, for updates.

The Shop Committee

Derek Morgan Frank Morgani

Vick Seebalak Brad Gomes

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